Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Mormon Bible - Technology

Below is an account of how the MORMON Bible came to be written and this account fits in with modern day accounts of alien visitation with people. Nothing has changed in this situation only the perception of humanity over a period of time.

In the origin of the book of Mormon it states “There were two stones in silver bows, and these stones fastened to a breast plate constituted what is called the Urim and Thummim deposited with the plates; and the position and use of these stones were what constituted Seers [prophets] in ancient or former times: and that god had prepared them for the purpose of translating the book.

Joseph Smith found these items on a hill in America, and he used them to translate the records on the gold plates into the Mormon bible.

Below is an image of what one might term two stones in silver bows as might be interpreted today.

[Image] Digital Language Translator & Closed Back Headphones

These items were fastened to a breast plate, prepared for translating the records, leaving both hands more or less free to do other things.

Reviewing these items in today’s technological society as a language translator and headphones is straight forward however back in the times when this event took place the technology we have today did not exist.

These items assisted Joseph Smith to convert a dead language into a modern living one.

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Although the record of the way the MORMON bible may have been written is a few hundred years old, looking at it today with the technology available today, it sticks out that humanity has been visited by an outside intelligence that has left its mark on humanity. 

Christ said 2,000 years ago......”Other sheep I have that are not of this fold”... There were some of his sheep in other parts of the world and this is what the records of the Mormon bible are about.

The fine brass ball:
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The people came from Israel, they had travelled thousands of miles to where they were, and they found themselves in a land they knew nothing about. They also did not know where to find food. The fine brass ball turned up and by following its directions it leads them to the more fertile parts of the region.

If the fine brass ball was a compass which only points north and nothing else, this would not have helped them. This direction would not have naturally lead them to food, if food was towards the east or west. This implies that it was actually leading them towards food by directing or guiding them towards it.
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At this point, it stands to reason that there was intelligence behind this fine brass ball arriving at the right time.

They had a bow made of fine steel.

In verse 26. Within the head of the father of this man there came a voice that asked him to look at the ball. He and the rest of them looked and saw writing upon it. These people had never seen or interacted with such technology before and because of this they were frightened.

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When they over came the fear and came to terms with the object they soon found out that according to their faith... belief.... diligence, the way they applied there intellect, and the Heed or attention they gave the object the writing changed from time to time.

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The object gave them information regarding the Lord. In other words it was communicating with them, and informing them. The writing was changed from time to time according to the way they thought, how they applied their intellect, and the way they gave their attention to it. In other words it worked from their brain waves.

This kind of advanced technology is just beginning to appear today. 

The excerpts pointed out above from the book of Mormon not only show alien interaction here on Earth assisting humanity but offer us hope today for future interaction with these kindly beings.

© Copyright 2011
QUATRAIN 27 is a theoretical study group looking at unpublished information believed to conceal the true  meaning for the Prophecies of Michel de Nostredame 1503-1566 (Nostradamus).
Axis and Ana published material they received in an open and transparent manor for others to consider.
Proposals for future research to expand this study are being considered.
The right of ex.TV Producer Axis & his partner Ana to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
Note: The material contained in this online blog is set out in good faith for general public consideration and no liability can be accepted as a result of relying on statements made in this blog. The writers of this blog remain neutral in their opinion until absolute proof can be supplied and verified by peer review.

Exerpts from The Origin of the Mormon Bible.

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