Many have read Nostradamus quatrains but they have not been able to fully understand what they mean.
Nostradamus has pointed out that Christ will return and he used the same words to do it as he used when he was John the Baptist.
The Scoriton Mystery UFO landing also points out that Christ is already here. More information about The Scoriton Mystery (UFO) to follow in another blog post.
Italian Ottavio Cesare Ramotti the man who created a computer program to decrypt Nostradamus quatrains realized circa 1994 This is exactly what our visitors are here to point out.
Nostradamus left a load of information about this person (Christ), he left a mans name, his country of birth and information about him. However to unlock the lock there is a key. More information to follow... U2 (Axis & Ana)
Nostradamus lived in a time where he could have been burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church.
Nostradamus has pointed out that Christ will return and he used the same words to do it as he used when he was John the Baptist.
The Scoriton Mystery UFO landing also points out that Christ is already here. More information about The Scoriton Mystery (UFO) to follow in another blog post.
Italian Ottavio Cesare Ramotti the man who created a computer program to decrypt Nostradamus quatrains realized circa 1994 This is exactly what our visitors are here to point out.
Nostradamus left a load of information about this person (Christ), he left a mans name, his country of birth and information about him. However to unlock the lock there is a key. More information to follow... U2 (Axis & Ana)
Nostradamus lived in a time where he could have been burned at the stake by the Roman Catholic Church.
Nostradamus was DIVINE but when we consider todays highly respected military and private contract human 'remote viewing' special operations, peering into sealed bunkers where distance and time is no restriction from the viewer (person) seated in a room, its not scary at all!
Anyone can learn remote viewing, it just needs ones time and dedication, the right conditions and a new mind set/outlook of positive results. ESP & Mind talk is returning (its here already for small groups) and its here for all, if we can get over and beyond the hump.
Enlightened Gurus of India, Indigenous & tribal elders were all able to communicate messages and teaching though mind thought transfer alone but they appear to have been systematically killed over time.
Most of humanity has been taught to fear the unknown but its becoming known, especially now quantum physics is no longer taboo. Humans have simply forgotten this form of communication over time. -We digress.
The mind set at the time of Nostradamus was such that although there was a record of such things in the bible they theselves taught from, no one else could or should have this ability... If they did, it was called work of the devil.
More Quatrains:
Quatrain 12
Gary stated way back in the 70's that Christ would turn up (is here) as does Nostradamus in the Quatrain 27 secret we are revealing here.
If Christ turns up there are things that will tend to happen, as Nostradamus knew well. Nostradamus even stated what would happen and put it in his quatrains.
'Their eyes closed, open to the old fantasy, the habit of priests will be abolished'. The story of Moses and the items that were made like the arc showed a definite inclusion of technology if you know how to read this part of the bible. This technology was far in advance of what the human race was capable of at the time. This pointed to it coming from outside, this is a NEW UNDERSTANDING, which fits what the records say better than what is taught in the churches. In this way, alien technology has been planted into human society. This also means humanity has been visited and has set up these/this visitor(s) as a God. The records therefore are a record of this event.
Therefore what this quatrain is pointing out is that humanity has its eyes closed regarding this, but they are open to what is still being taught. However, Nostradamus points out that the habit of priests will be abolished.
This has a double meaning. First, the habit of teaching what has become accepted will end and will be abolished. Second, if /when Christ appears the habit that priests do.. the habit of the mass... which they do, and say 'do this in memory of me', meaning Christ will end.
When Christ turns up this will end, he will be back therefore they won't need to do the habit of the mass in memory of him, therefore it will be abolished.
'The great monarch will punish their frenzy, stealing the treasure in front of the temples' The Great Monarch is Christ himself, King of Heaven etc. 'punish their frenzy' seems a bit harsh, but how will the church react to this NEW UNDERSTANDING? of the old records of the bible.
Will they shout heretic and want to burn him at the stake in this day and age?
Either way, this new understanding will take people away from the old religion. In short, this 'teacher' will steal the people (the treasure) away from in front of the temples.
Quatrain 13
'The body without a soul no longer at the sacrifice' Is easy to explain. It follows on from quatrain 12. 'The body without a soul' is the body of the church without a person in it. Well, it stands to reason if the Great Monarch 'steals' the treasure, the people away, then there won't be a soul at church anymore. On top of this the 'no longer at the sacrifice' is the end of mass, the sacrifice, the habitual thing priests do as in quatrain 12. At the day the old 'fantasy' or teaching dies, it comes to rebirth in the new understanding of the old records, and this is what this part of the quatrain means.
'The divine spirit will make the soul rejoice seeing the eternity of the word' also has a double meaning.
'The divine spirit' can stand for both Christ and God, and they will see that the 'WORD' has been, and is still going on.
Note the continuity of it all, in everything we have posted here at
Clarification of Verse 26 from our earlier post: 'there hath (has) stood one in the midst of you whom you know not'... Think of it like this: If you stand in a crowd of strangers and you can see them all, and the person next to you... you still don't know him because he is a stranger to you. However, the person who got you all together may well know who he is and what he is there for. John knew who Jesus was and what he was there for but the rest of the people didn't.
© Copyright 2011
QUATRAIN 27 is a theoretical study group looking at unpublished information believed to conceal the true meaning for the Prophecies of Michel de Nostredame 1503-1566 (Nostradamus).
Axis and Ana published material they received in an open and transparent manor for others to consider.
Proposals for future research to expand this study are being considered.
The right of ex.TV Producer Axis & his partner Ana to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
Note: The material contained in this online blog is set out in good faith for general public consideration and no liability can be accepted as a result of relying on statements made in this blog. The writers of this blog remain neutral in their opinion until absolute proof can be supplied and verified by peer review.
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