Everyone Loves A Mystery

What's hidden in this 2d/3d painting?

U2 (Axis and Ana) are delighted to introduce readers to a little known painting currently hanging in a British home.

The painting was created about 450 years ago and currently titled as the 'unknown artist'.

Looking deeply into this painting one can observe all kinds of clues and a message embedded in it.

This painting contains important information and a MAP, for that is what it is... A Map!

© Copyright 2011

QUATRAIN 27 is a theoretical study group looking at unpublished information believed to conceal the true  meaning for the Prophecies of Michel de Nostredame 1503-1566 (Nostradamus).
Axis and Ana published material they received in an open and transparent manor for others to consider.
Proposals for future research to expand this study are being considered.
The right of ex.TV Producer Axis & his partner Ana to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
Note: The material contained in this online blog is set out in good faith for general public consideration and no liability can be accepted as a result of relying on statements made in this blog. The writers of this blog remain neutral in their opinion until absolute proof can be supplied and verified by peer review.