Eric Roberts Laithwaite (14 June 1921 – 27 November 1997) was an electrical engineer, principally known for his development of the linear induction motor and maglev rail system.
Details about the meeting in London between scientist Eric Laithwaite, author Jenny Randles and Gary was published in the 1979 book, UFO's A British Viewpoint*.
When author Jenny Randles, Gary and Eric Laithwaite's assembled in Eric's office Gary quoted quatrain 44 to Eric and explained that Eric would be the guy who brings this about... IF humanity took notice of him... and saw the potential... Eric gave a smile.
Gary took Eric's autograph on a book called 'After Nostradamus'.
The authors of UFO's A British Viewpoint* were asked at the time not to identify the scientist (Eric Laithwaite) due to what he was working on.
It would have also had a detrimental effect on him if it ever became known he was meeting with aliens. Eric Laithwaite passed away 27 November 1997
Quatrain III 44
When the animal tamed by man begins to speak
after great efforts and difficulty, the lightening so
harmful to the rod will be taken from the Earth
and suspended in the air.
III 44
Quand l'animal à l'homme domestique
Apres grand peine & sauts viendra parler :
Le foudre à vierge sera si malefique
De terre prinse & suspenduë en l'air.
So how does this fit in with Eric Laithwaite?
'When the animal tamed by man begins to speak after great efforts and difficulty'... This refers to a chimpanzee called Washoe.
Washoe was taught to speak as a deaf or dumb person is taught to speak by the use of sign language.
Washoe was able to put words together and ask questions... Proving syntax.
Time passed and other members were taught how to speak sign language. These ones went on to teach family members and they conversed with each other.
This shows first those who learnt this language first could work out that it was useful for communication. Second they passed it on to others. In this way it also shows they have a level of intellect.
So, around the time this happens... 'the lightening so harmful to the rod will be taken from the Earth and suspended in the air'.
If we observe a rocket taking off some distance away, you see a small rod shape with a roaring flame on the bottom of it. The sound also sounds like thunder with billowing clouds around it.
Either way, this 'Lightening' which really was so harmful to the Rod/Rocket, was the exhaust.
The exhaust flame ran up the side of the rocket and caused one of them to disintegrate taking away those on board as it did so.
So, in truth then, this 'energy source' is truly harmful.
It then goes on to say that this energy source... the lightening will be taken from the Earth and suspended in the air.
Lightening is an energy source, just like the chemicals are that fire a rocket.
Lightening is also electrical, and an electrical linear motor is what Eric is famous for inventing.
The 'from the Earth and suspended in the air' bit is the easiest part to explain.
A linear motor that is on the surfce of the planet is able to launch a craft into space and still remain on the ground. The craft on the other hand will be seen to float in the air, although we now know there is a vacum in space.
This should have taken place in the 1970's !.
As you can see things got this far, will humanity see any potential in this or will it fall on stony ground?
Gary said on tape many years ago that this will lead to the MK1 UFO, the equivelant to the Wright Brothers aircraft compared to Concord.
Humanity has first to work out electrical fields of force and how they work around the planet before it can really take off.
Gary knew Nostradamus was connected with UFOLOGY and pointed this out in his early statements. Gary's statements were backed up @19 years later by Ottavio Cesare Ramotti who discovered Lost Manuscripts of Nostradamus and the work he did with them.
Excerpts from * (ISBN: 0709174667 / 0-7091-7466-7) Jenny Randles, Petter Warrington. Book Description: Robert Hale Ltd, 1979. (ISBN: Star Children Jenny Randles.
Details about the meeting in London between scientist Eric Laithwaite, author Jenny Randles and Gary was published in the 1979 book, UFO's A British Viewpoint*.
When author Jenny Randles, Gary and Eric Laithwaite's assembled in Eric's office Gary quoted quatrain 44 to Eric and explained that Eric would be the guy who brings this about... IF humanity took notice of him... and saw the potential... Eric gave a smile.
Gary took Eric's autograph on a book called 'After Nostradamus'.
The authors of UFO's A British Viewpoint* were asked at the time not to identify the scientist (Eric Laithwaite) due to what he was working on.
It would have also had a detrimental effect on him if it ever became known he was meeting with aliens. Eric Laithwaite passed away 27 November 1997
Quatrain III 44
When the animal tamed by man begins to speak
after great efforts and difficulty, the lightening so
harmful to the rod will be taken from the Earth
and suspended in the air.
III 44
Quand l'animal à l'homme domestique
Apres grand peine & sauts viendra parler :
Le foudre à vierge sera si malefique
De terre prinse & suspenduë en l'air.
So how does this fit in with Eric Laithwaite?
'When the animal tamed by man begins to speak after great efforts and difficulty'... This refers to a chimpanzee called Washoe.
Washoe was taught to speak as a deaf or dumb person is taught to speak by the use of sign language.
Washoe was able to put words together and ask questions... Proving syntax.
Time passed and other members were taught how to speak sign language. These ones went on to teach family members and they conversed with each other.
This shows first those who learnt this language first could work out that it was useful for communication. Second they passed it on to others. In this way it also shows they have a level of intellect.
So, around the time this happens... 'the lightening so harmful to the rod will be taken from the Earth and suspended in the air'.
If we observe a rocket taking off some distance away, you see a small rod shape with a roaring flame on the bottom of it. The sound also sounds like thunder with billowing clouds around it.
Either way, this 'Lightening' which really was so harmful to the Rod/Rocket, was the exhaust.
The exhaust flame ran up the side of the rocket and caused one of them to disintegrate taking away those on board as it did so.
So, in truth then, this 'energy source' is truly harmful.
It then goes on to say that this energy source... the lightening will be taken from the Earth and suspended in the air.
Lightening is an energy source, just like the chemicals are that fire a rocket.
Lightening is also electrical, and an electrical linear motor is what Eric is famous for inventing.
The 'from the Earth and suspended in the air' bit is the easiest part to explain.
A linear motor that is on the surfce of the planet is able to launch a craft into space and still remain on the ground. The craft on the other hand will be seen to float in the air, although we now know there is a vacum in space.
This should have taken place in the 1970's !.
As you can see things got this far, will humanity see any potential in this or will it fall on stony ground?
Gary said on tape many years ago that this will lead to the MK1 UFO, the equivelant to the Wright Brothers aircraft compared to Concord.
Humanity has first to work out electrical fields of force and how they work around the planet before it can really take off.
Gary knew Nostradamus was connected with UFOLOGY and pointed this out in his early statements. Gary's statements were backed up @19 years later by Ottavio Cesare Ramotti who discovered Lost Manuscripts of Nostradamus and the work he did with them.
© Copyright 2011
QUATRAIN 27 is a theoretical study group looking at unpublished information believed to conceal the true meaning for the Prophecies of Michel de Nostredame 1503-1566 (Nostradamus).
Axis and Ana published material they received in an open and transparent manor for others to consider.
Proposals for future research to expand this study are being considered.
The right of ex.TV Producer Axis & his partner Ana to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
Note: The material contained in this online blog is set out in good faith for general public consideration and no liability can be accepted as a result of relying on statements made in this blog. The writers of this blog remain neutral in their opinion until absolute proof can be supplied and verified by peer review.
Excerpts from * (ISBN: 0709174667 / 0-7091-7466-7) Jenny Randles, Petter Warrington. Book Description: Robert Hale Ltd, 1979. (ISBN: Star Children Jenny Randles.
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