Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Quatrain 96

The next piece we received is Quatrain 96, here we read that

A man will be charged with the 
destruction of the temples and sectes, 
altered by fantasy. *He will harm the 
rocks rather than the living, ears filled 
with ornate speeches.

Why does Nostradamus state that there are sects altered by fantasy?

Many sects in the Northern Hemisphere are connected with the Church of Rome from which they tended to spring in the first place, like the Anglican Church, the Baptist Church and the Pentecostal Church to name just three. . .

Seeing as they tend to teach almost the same sort of thing within reason, why would he say this at all? However IF the records in the first FIVE books of the bible are a record of alien contact, and a record of technological items that were built with alien guidance, then YES, what humanity are being taught now is Fantasy!!!

Quatrain 96*

*A man will come whose religious destiny is concerned with people rather than the buildings, temples, bricks and mortar of accepted religions.

It is possible that the rock in line 3 is the rock of Peter, the Vatican, in which case this revival would harm the Catholic Church.

Okay, so IF Christ should return, and should he talk of being an alien, and say that the first five books of the bible are a record of alien contact/intervention with humanity, then YES, what is being taught biblically is a FANTASY!!!

It would seem that Nostradamus also knew something about this, otherwise WHY would he say that many sects have been altered making them a fantasy???
HE is also at pains to point out that it is the FABRIC, the rocks of the temples that will be "harmed" . . . DISUSED . . .?

NOT the people who that go and use these temples. It seems that this "Man" this person, will use "ornate" speeches to get things over to people.
Seeing that when the prophecies are only talked about, it is already time for them to happen . . .
come the time, come the man as they say.

IF this is so, then where is he, because it seems HE is already HERE?

© Copyright 2011
QUATRAIN 27 is a theoretical study group looking at unpublished information believed to conceal the true  meaning for the Prophecies of Michel de Nostredame 1503-1566 (Nostradamus).
Axis and Ana published material they received in an open and transparent manor for others to consider.
Proposals for future research to expand this study are being considered.
The right of ex.TV Producer Axis & his partner Ana to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
Note: The material contained in this online blog is set out in good faith for general public consideration and no liability can be accepted as a result of relying on statements made in this blog. The writers of this blog remain neutral in their opinion until absolute proof can be supplied and verified by peer review.

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