The following are excerpts from the book "The Scoriton Mystery" here we have a few pages said to be the most relevant and that are the main point of the book.
Bryant: Yes, I went into the other three, from one, to two, to three, and it was in the third-the only difference that I noticed was [it had the screen similar, the couch similar] there was a robe on the end of the couch which appeared to be like a dressing gown, and it had on the sleeve a very big, bright red rose. And it was beautifully done. I don't think I've ever seen anything so fine. It really looked as though it had suddenly been put there, so fresh was the rose apart from the actual garment itself.
It looked really wonderful, and the garment itself was, should I say, purple in color. There was no other color at all with the exception of this one red rose. That was quite impressive. Yamski, incidentally, sort of looked at it, and he sort of looked at me, and I had the feeling that he knew that I knew, what it was. I don't quite know how to explain that. I had a feeling, of course, that this was significant to me because I could only associate that with something earthly, something that we see here, like for example, if one goes around, you see a dress or a suit, or something colorful in a shop, I mean you are immediately taken with it, and that's the only thing I could really associate both from the occupants and from the craft itself of being anything attached to us, or affecting us in any way.
Further down the page of 256, he also has this to say...
Bryant: Well I think I can go so far as to say when I first saw it I thought it was a real one, with the exception, of course, it was pressed flat. I mean, if you saw a real rose you could see all round it, but this was so beautifully done, you know, it was sort of, as it was, I wouldn't say painted-it's so difficult to describe, really.
So WE ask, where is the person whose robe is here?
Clearly it states in the bible that NO ONE WILL KNOW when Christ returns, NOT the Angels, NOT the son only the Father, These words were spoken by Christ himself!
So this means the aliens know that there is a person here that they have been able to find.
Having found him they are trying to let HUMANITY know, after all they are NOT permitted to say anything. However they are HINTING the point in the strongest way possible without saying.
Again we have laid out below an excerpt from the book "The Scoriton Mystery", this is taken from page 246.
Again these are Bryants words we are looking at here:
Bryant: there were some sheep in the field and it appeared as if these other two were particularly interested in the sheep, but never at any time did they hold any conversation.
They didn't at any time sort of say anything, but I did have that feeling that they knew what I was thinking about.
Eileen: Was this when you were standing on the ground, or when you were in the saucer?
Bryant: No, I was actually standing on the ground then, you see.
Eileen: I wondered how you'd see the sheep, because I wasn't able to see over the hedge.[Actually, this was a mistake on my part. I had imagined the sheep being in the field to the left. Afterwards I realized that they were in the field to the right whose hedge is actually thin enough to see through.]
Bryant: Well, in actual fact, where the saucer alighted the hedge is quite low. The circumference of the saucer was as such that it almost touched both the hedges. It was quite large. And they were interested in the sheep as though they had never seen them before, it was just the impression I got. I could of been wrong.
Eileen: Perhaps they were putting some mental influence on them to stop them panicking. Animals have been known to go crazy when there is a UFO nearby.
Lyn: Perhaps they were just looking to see what they were.
Bryant: Well, I don't really know. The thing that struck me as being odd was the fact that at any time you go through a field of sheep there are some occasions when they will stampede and all rush to the corner of the field. Cows will do that sometimes, but sheep are most unusual sort of animals. For example, on the moors, they're out there for days and days and weeks on end, without anybody going to see them, and they're inclined to look up and scamper. See?
But the most unusual thing about this was they never attempted to. They all seemed to be sitting down. At that time it was extremely cold. We had April, May and the first week of June when we had some extreme frost and it was very cold. . .
This is pointing out to us what the two alien looking people were doing the whole time the human looking person was taking the contactee around the craft.
The two aliens were looking out of the window at the sheep. Why?
2000 years ago shepherds were tending their flocks when the Angel of the Lord came down, to point them towards a place where someone had just been born.
Nostradamus pointed this out in quatrain 27.
By the way, it states in the book of Revelations that Christ will come IN THE CLOUDS, humanity did not have the technology back then that we have today, so flight was out of the question as was the concept. So, how would you explain someone coming from the SKY? by using the words COMING IN THE CLOUDS?
© Copyright 2011
QUATRAIN 27 is a theoretical study group looking at unpublished information believed to conceal the true meaning for the Prophecies of Michel de Nostredame 1503-1566 (Nostradamus).
Axis and Ana published material they received in an open and transparent manor for others to consider.
Proposals for future research to expand this study are being considered.
The right of ex.TV Producer Axis & his partner Ana to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.
Note: The material contained in this online blog is set out in good faith for general public consideration and no liability can be accepted as a result of relying on statements made in this blog. The writers of this blog remain neutral in their opinion until absolute proof can be supplied and verified by peer review.
| ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | Excerpt The Scoriton Mystery Did Adamski Return? Author Eileen Buckle 1967 Publishers Neville Spearman Ltd |
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